Mayer Brown defense partner Michael E. Lackey said litigation finance “was just anathema” to him about a decade ago. “Anything that makes it easier for people to sue my clients is something I don’t want,” Lackey said in an interview. Now, “virtually every large law firm that does litigation probably has a funded case somewhere”—including...
Commerce international. La route transcaspienne, qui relie la Chine à l’Europe par le Kazakhstan, le Caucase, la Turquie et la mer Noire, connaît un véritable essor depuis la guerre en Ukraine. Mais les problèmes d’infrastructure et de logistique demeurent. En janvier, l’UE et ses partenaires ont annoncé s’engager à hauteur de 10 milliards d’euros pour...
Alternative legal services providers offer legal services to law firms, dispensing everything from technology to project management to litigation support. (Image from Shutterstock) As artificial intelligence continues to dominate the legal field, many law firms are finding relief through alternative legal services providers. Just after the pandemic began, Benson Varghese began experimenting with ways to...
Politics is apparently affecting the fate of people caught up in the criminal justice system, according to a study by the Death Penalty Information Center. Elected state supreme court justices in Georgia, North Carolina and Ohio affirm twice as many death sentences during an election year than in any other year, according to the report, Lethal Election:...
Conservative says Supreme Court can expand workload but feels the strain when litigants seek emergency intervention before legal process runs its normal course. AUSTIN, Texas—Justice Brett Kavanaugh, in a swing through the Texas capital Friday, had plenty to say to a regional conference of judges and lawyers about his job at the Supreme Court, a...
Legal malpractice is costing law firms big bucks, and it’s expected to fetch even more soon.
À Hong Kong, deux juges britanniques qui siégeaient à la Cour finale d’appel, la plus haute juridiction de Hong Kong, ont démissionné. Un nouveau signe inquiétant quant à la santé et l’indépendance du pouvoir judiciaire de la région administrative spéciale. Lawrence Collins et Jonathan Sumption faisaient partie des quelques juges étrangers qui siégeaient de manière...